“An Ordinary Martyr, the Life and Death of Blessed Stanley Rother,” tells the story of a young man born into a devout German-Catholic family in the small farming town of Okarche, Oklahoma. His calling to the priesthood and missionary service led him to Guatemala where he would give his life for his people. This short film captures the heart, devotion, and resolution of Blessed Stanley Rother and the ultimate sacrifice he made for his faith.
Stanley Francis Rother was beatified in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on Sept. 23, 2017. Beatification is the last step on the path to sainthood in the Catholic Church. Blessed Stanley Rother showed with his life, and eventual martyrdom, that “the shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger.”
“An Ordinary Martyr, the Life and Death of Blessed Stanley Rother,” tells the story of a young man born into a devout German-Catholic family in the small farming town of Okarche, Oklahoma. His calling to the priesthood and missionary service led him to Guatemala where he would give his life for his people. This short film captures the heart, devotion, and resolution of Blessed Stanley Rother and the ultimate sacrifice he made for his faith.
Stanley Francis Rother was beatified in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on Sept. 23, 2017. Beatification is the last step on the path to sainthood in the Catholic Church. Blessed Stanley Rother showed with his life, and eventual martyrdom, that “the shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger.”
“It was his last Christmas letter to the Church of Oklahoma in 1980. He said ‘The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger,’ and he lived that.”